Conferences and Open Houses

Recent feedback from the AECB conference in July was ‘best ever’ Was it quality of workshops, gathering of people, or the sunshine and tranquil green place? - probably all three. Practical workshop on airtightness was really appreciated as well as all the other varied sessions - I especially enjoyed hearing about growing timber to build with and the 'hutting' movement in NE Scotland, and as always, the talking! I can’t convey the noise level at dinner in this photo.

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Recent feedback from the AECB conference in July was ‘best ever’ Was it quality of workshops, gathering of people, or the sunshine and tranquil green place? - probably all three. Practical workshop on airtightness was really appreciated as well as all the other varied sessions - I especially enjoyed hearing about growing timber to build with and the 'hutting' movement in NE Scotland, and as always, the talking! I can’t convey the noise level at dinner in this photo.

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Many came to the Hub and everyone is so pleased it is finally open. The Friends of Lordship Rec have formed a co-op to manage the building, with cafe and community room in daily use. A mystery donor made the final donation which secured the building’s future. Drop in anytime Hub Cafe open daily 12 - 6pm.

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At the straw house in Norfolk, local people came along to see what progress we had made since last summer’s buzz of strawbaling, and we were pleased they thought we’d done lots. Several people commented on the light and soft feel inside from the wood and clay and straw, but my best quote came from a 9 year old who wrote ‘amazing :) this is a house of marvles!!! I would definetly want to live in a house like this, who wouldn’t?

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We’ve moved in although loads more to do, lots of people have joined in the building work inside, and special thanks to Kaspar for plumbing and solar thermal and to Akwele for all the painting. Hot baths and clean painted rooms make all the ongoing work enjoyable. A recent piece of work was the pergola for the solar panels, just ready now (at summer’s end) to be connected up. The timberwork also acts as gutter, with a triangular fillet and bitumen paint, although no down pipe yet.

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Passivhaus Conference is on October 16th at Stevenage, with great speakers Sebastian Moreno-Vacca from Brussels and Jessica Grove-Smith from the Passivhaus Insitut in Germany, and what looks to be an excellent technical workshop on the 15th, hope to see you there!