Carlton Chapel House Enerphit - excellent airtightness results

The low energy - Enerphit - retrofit of a 1980’s block of flats seemed to be a fairly straight forward project of wrapping the building up in insulation, but because it was built of cavity blockwork, with hollow plank floors, the airtightness envelope was difficult to achieve. We used a technique of creating and airtight column in the cavity wall, developed by Lliam Schofield at Nesthaus (and others). Lliam came to site to demonstrate. Drilling at 150mm centres vertically and injecting airtight foam, a barrier column is created. This made it possible to join the airtight barrier outside (most of the walls) to that inside the building (at party wall) .

The other difficulty was airtightness testing. The first and second floor flats all have front doors onto a shared corridor, but the ground floor flats open onto the street. Initially we thought we would be creating the airtightness barrier for each ground floor flat separately, but that proved to be complex and expensive. We thought it might be possible to test the whole block, if we could leave the old service ducts open to the ground floor until testing was compete. Paul Jennings, who did the testing, was concerned that the air pressure might not be even, which would distort the results. His plan was to run a separate line to one of the ground floor flats to check the pressure was even.

We didn’t know if it would work and the initial airtightnss test had us all on tenterhooks. We were all really celebrating after the initial test, when the two lines confirmed equal pressure, and the overall result was 0.36 air changes per hour - a fantastic result! We knew the final result would be less good, as there were lots of penetrations to follow, but nontheless the final result achieved was much better than the 1 airchange per hour required for Enerphit, at 0.66AC/hr.

ATA is thrilled to be involved in the radical overhaul of the North Camden Housing Co-operative!

Developed in the 1980s for 15 flats for single people, the building is to be renovated to gold and a Passivhaus retrofit is now in the detailed design stages. The plan is to wrap up the building, simplifying the thermal envelope, and enclosing the deck access.

Residents have participated in the design process, and are looking forward to their freezing cold draughty flats becoming cosy, warm and cheap to run.

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Anne Thorne Architects were delighted to attend the 5th year of the 2016 UK Passivhaus Awards, where 1 Meeting House Lane was nominated for the urban category.

Meeting House Lane design team presenting the project at the 2016 UK Passivhaus Awards.

Meeting House Lane design team presenting the project at the 2016 UK Passivhaus Awards.

Anne on the question panel, answering the question "What does it take to self-build to Passivhaus" alongside John Palmer (Enhabit) and Jon Broome ( Jon Broome Architects).

Anne on the question panel, answering the question "What does it take to self-build to Passivhaus" alongside John Palmer (Enhabit) and Jon Broome ( Jon Broome Architects).

AECB conference 2016

"AECB conference 2016 july 16th/17th, at the delightful Adapt building at University of East Anglia, designed by Archetype built by Morgan Sindall.
Architect and Design Manager explained the building together in a double act that clearly demonstrated how well they had worked together - the inside spaces are a joy to be in, the only time I have sat on a platform in a lecture hall and seen out of the building through glass to trees beyond, a glorious feeling of space. Great discussions throughout. Visits to my straw bale house and new passivhouses in Norwich "
Fran Bradshaw


Client moves into York passivhaus


'Now that I have been in for a couple of months I can really appreciate how brilliantly

the house has been designed and built. Everyone who comes is amazed at how good it

looks and feels, even with boxes still piled up everywhere’



Certification plaque was fixed up to applause and thanks to contractor Croft Farm Construction

"It’s been a great job to work on - a pleasure to work with both client and Contractor.

Congratulations city of York to your first certified passivhaus, and may there be many more!

We hope the house will be open again for interested visitors, at next year’s Passivhaus Open

Day in November”

Fran Bradshaw

Fran to speak at Brighton Green Architecture day on saturday 19th march, see


'Green Architecture Day is an annual event Brighton Permaculture has run in partnership

with Low Carbon Trust since 2002. Since then, the event has attracted over 2,000 participants

to hear inspiring talks about how we can live and work in greener buildings. It has featured

talks from speakers as varied as Ben Law, Christopher Day, Pooran Desai and Satish Kumar.

At Brighton Permaculture Trust, we believe that we need to give equal weight to sustainability

in the built environment and regenerating our landscapes’

Scaffolding finally down at Hickling straw-bale house


Scaffolding finally came down 11th December revealing the duvet-like lime rendered straw bale walls, stainless steel cills span the depth of the bales and render, and straight lines of stainless steel cills contrast with wavy wall. Lots of pics below:

The snakelike pipework is for solar thermal panels supported on not yet built pergola, and the timber cladding to dormers isn't fixed yet, but we can finally see the glorious reed thatch.

Warmcell - the recycled newspaper insulation - was pumped in between I joists in roof, between floor joists and in bathroom partitions.

MVHR ducting, the plan means it is a pretty simple layout, with Andrew Farr instructions it was assembled easily.

We've made a straw window - just to remind ourselves!

Solar thermal tank and pipework going in - Kaspar is working with Dominic at LondonSolar and they are doing the installation togethe

Stairs are made of more douglas fir, like the primary frame. The cut strings are recessed back from the edge, and the tread and risers biscuit jointed together. The whole structure seems to be really strong - and looks like a folded sheet of timber. It's a temporary post you can see.

The strawbales are now covered with a huge amount of lime, sand and clay, and while the lime was pretty dried out by end September, the internal clay then brought lots of moisture inside. We're watching the AECB supplied Hygrotrac moisture monitors in the straw and it's interesting to see how they respond to sunshine, de- humidifier, and then rain in the last weeks. The internal moisture is going down, but the monitor in the outer side of the bale in the east wall at the top of the gable showed 99% RH last week.

I haven't properly said all the people who have been working on the job,and materials so here goes;-

Insulation, raft and brickwork to storerooms on north side by Darren, Chris, Alex and Carl at Broadland Builders

Timber frame by Timber Frame Co and their two teams and design by Jim and Elizabeth, douglas fir from Forest of Dean or Somerset

Strawbaling by Strawworks Barbara, Ray, Emma and Eduardo, many friends and helpers - thank you all!

Straw by Longhay and the Thompson brothers

Thatching by Norfolk Thatchers, Richard, Leighton and Charlie and the reed cut in West Somerton by Richard Starling

Window installation by Darren's team and Georg, windows from Optiwin, a group organisation of window manufacturers, windows supplied by Gnan in Auerbach, Bavaria. Georg and Kaspar visited the factory in May 2013

Window cills, steelwork by local firm, Broadland Products

Plastering and rendering by Danny and Gary, materials supplied by Mark Wormesley

Warmcell by Payne Insulation Ltd, Norwich

Electrics by Sam, Sea Palling

Solar thermal and plumbing by Kaspar and Dominc, London Solar

Staircase built and installed by James and Georg


4th UK Passivhaus Conference

The 4th UK Passivhaus conference on tuesday at Milton Keynes, fantastic range of speakers and wonderfully knowledgable gathering of people in audience and up at the front! Nervous moments for me doing the welcome speech, but soon forgotten in the sheer pleasure of hearing about so much which has happened since last year. I loved hearing Dieter Hertz describing the full range of buildings they are working on, the beautiful museum in Ravensburg, the proposed lawcourts in Bavaria. I enjoyed Fionn Stevenson's reminder of the importance of robust design, and her focus on people as they are in all their complexity is dead right in my view (praps she'll come round to PH in the end...). It was also great to hear Justin Bere and Marion Baeli giving really detailed feedback on specific projects, and I was sorry to miss all the talks going on in the other room.

I was pleased that we asked the final panel what they had liked most, Thomas O'Leary had inspired all, and training must now be a big focus for PHT

Finally the most welcome visitor of all - Passivhaus baby Amy - when I looked up from my seat on the platform and saw her sitting in the front row I knew Passivhaus has a great future!
Fran Bradshaw

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Monday was the air test with Paul Jennings, on completion of external render with windows and doors fitted and sealed. We were pleased/ relieved to get under 1 air change an hour. We did some obvious leaks and got about 0.9, now only obvious one is a door which needs adjusting, Paul thinks we must be looking at disaggregated leakage through the straw and through the roof. So would expect to improve as clay work and warmcell and finishing goes on.

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Just to explain, as people have asked me why we are going for airtight layer on the outside, that using the inside plaster layer would have been really hard to achieve, because of the primary frame, especially the long horizontal beams. We're hoping to get the internal plaster down behind it to cover the straw, but achieving a good airtight surface is unlikely. Also there would be a lot of internal penetrations and with big timber sections with shakes, you can't really guarantee an airtight seal.

The problem with airtight layer outside is that moisture from inside could condense in the straw where the air leakage points are, like at eaves for instance. We think that because the whole construction, walls and roof, is moisture permeable all the way thru, this shouldn't be a problem, and the MVHR will also reduce moisture in the internal environment. But we have fitted the AECB Hygrotrac monitors in the straw so that we can properly observe the performance, and will be using an Intello membrane internally in the bathroom ceiling.

Before that we were finishing the strawbale work. The compression of each section took the longest time, but it is so impressive how firm the straw walls are when compressed. Paul did an airtest for Strawworks, before the render started, to see how the straw was performing. It wasn't the figure results which told us anything, as the plastered tapes at eaves and around windows and doors were not in place, but following the smoke, showed how dense and airtight the straw is when it is well compacted.

Getting clay plaster in under beams inside

Getting clay plaster in under beams inside

Rendering ready for metal cill

Rendering ready for metal cill

First floor strawbale work complete and windows in

First floor strawbale work complete and windows in

Stair wall

Stair wall

Compact foam ready to be placed below cill of door

Compact foam ready to be placed below cill of door

Compression tape after it has expanded

Compression tape after it has expanded

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The windows are from Optiwin, which is a German group of small window manufacturers, this one in Bavaria, they were certified at the 2013 International Passivhaus conference, and are very deep timber sections of 150mm, 5 layers but all timber, with larch to outside face. They are installed with 100mm illmod compression tape, which provides some insulation value to the tolerance gap. Then woodfibre board is fitted externally over the frame before rendering with Contega tape to window frame.

Contega tape to reveal

Contega tape to reveal

Contega tape to base of straw - joint with foamglas

Contega tape to base of straw - joint with foamglas

sedge for the ridge

sedge for the ridge

Finishing the straw

Finishing the straw

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1 Finishing the straw.jpg
First coat render

First coat render

The render is now finished and we will be able to take the scaffolding down soon - the building has looked like a wrapped up Christo sculpture for long enough!

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An open afternoon in the village brought about 50 visitors at the end of September, an AECB east anglia group visit brought our most well informed visitors of course! and last weekend the local history group visited, now we are looking forward to joining them.

Conferences and Open Houses

Recent feedback from the AECB conference in July was ‘best ever’ Was it quality of workshops, gathering of people, or the sunshine and tranquil green place? - probably all three. Practical workshop on airtightness was really appreciated as well as all the other varied sessions - I especially enjoyed hearing about growing timber to build with and the 'hutting' movement in NE Scotland, and as always, the talking! I can’t convey the noise level at dinner in this photo.

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Recent feedback from the AECB conference in July was ‘best ever’ Was it quality of workshops, gathering of people, or the sunshine and tranquil green place? - probably all three. Practical workshop on airtightness was really appreciated as well as all the other varied sessions - I especially enjoyed hearing about growing timber to build with and the 'hutting' movement in NE Scotland, and as always, the talking! I can’t convey the noise level at dinner in this photo.

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Many came to the Hub and everyone is so pleased it is finally open. The Friends of Lordship Rec have formed a co-op to manage the building, with cafe and community room in daily use. A mystery donor made the final donation which secured the building’s future. Drop in anytime Hub Cafe open daily 12 - 6pm.

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At the straw house in Norfolk, local people came along to see what progress we had made since last summer’s buzz of strawbaling, and we were pleased they thought we’d done lots. Several people commented on the light and soft feel inside from the wood and clay and straw, but my best quote came from a 9 year old who wrote ‘amazing :) this is a house of marvles!!! I would definetly want to live in a house like this, who wouldn’t?

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We’ve moved in although loads more to do, lots of people have joined in the building work inside, and special thanks to Kaspar for plumbing and solar thermal and to Akwele for all the painting. Hot baths and clean painted rooms make all the ongoing work enjoyable. A recent piece of work was the pergola for the solar panels, just ready now (at summer’s end) to be connected up. The timberwork also acts as gutter, with a triangular fillet and bitumen paint, although no down pipe yet.

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Passivhaus Conference is on October 16th at Stevenage, with great speakers Sebastian Moreno-Vacca from Brussels and Jessica Grove-Smith from the Passivhaus Insitut in Germany, and what looks to be an excellent technical workshop on the 15th, hope to see you there!

Anne Thorne Architects were delighted to attend the 5th year of the 2016 UK Passivhaus Awards, where 1 Meeting House Lane was nominated for the urban category.

Meeting House Lane design team presenting the project at the 2016 UK Passivhaus Awards.

Meeting House Lane design team presenting the project at the 2016 UK Passivhaus Awards.

Anne on the question panel, answering the question "What does it take to self-build to Passivhaus" alongside John Palmer (Enhabit) and Jon Broome ( Jon Broome Architects).   For results follow the link below : 2016 UK Passivhaus Awards   The above p…

Anne on the question panel, answering the question "What does it take to self-build to Passivhaus" alongside John Palmer (Enhabit) and Jon Broome ( Jon Broome Architects).

For results follow the link below :
2016 UK Passivhaus Awards

The above pictures belong to Passivhaus Trust

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